26 de abril de 2007

how to?

How do you break into comics?

You do them.
You just do them, and keep doing them until you do them well, and then you decide how best to market them to an audience.You show them to people, get reactions, show them to editors at conventions. You take your lumps and smile when you take them, and then incorporate the relevant criticisms you receive into your work. And you make more comics. Eventually, when you're good, they'll get published. But a big part of it is showing your work and making friends with other pros, people you respect. And don't act like a jerk. Don't be pompous. You may be amazing, but you can always be better, and being cool to your peers is going to go a long way.
Be open to learning.
Self publishing is a great way to get started. Make a mini comic.
GIVE them away.
Build your audience, grass roots style.


Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Interessantíssimo. O cara é uma fera, cheio de energia pra desenhar, pintar, e falar ! Adorei esse "conselho" aí, tem umas idéias ótimas. Ele dá um empurrão na criatividade, não ? Ousar, mostrar, ouvir, circular... Gostei !